Sunday, February 8, 2009

Vicarious Pilgrimage

Today I mentioned our Europe trip and this Blog in my sermon. A number of folks asked for the Blog address, so next week I'm going to publicize this in the bulletin. We have also discovered that many folks have already found their way to this Blog through friends and associates and many of them have already commented on how they are enjoying reading about our planning process, and how they are looking forward to reports about the trip when the time comes. Many people wished us well in our travels, and at least two couples came up to me today after the service to tell me that they also had taken a European Vacation as part of their 25th Wedding Anniversary celebration... so I guess we're not the first people to come up with this idea.

Also today I met with the Mysterium Planning Team, a group of folks who plan and present our monthly alternative worship service at Christ Lutheran Church called Mysterium. Every month we have a theme and the theme chosen for June this year is the Mystery of Travel. When we realized that this theme coincided with Beth and my travels in Europe the Planning Team all thought I should either Blog a message that would be read especially for the folks who gather at Mysterium that month, or maybe even Skype a sermon! However the reality is that with the time difference Beth and I will be on the Caledonian Sleeper heading from London to Glasgow, hopefully sleeping at that time (which for us will be after 2 AM U.K. time). I will try to Blog something especially for Mysterium earlier that day, and that way I will connect with the folks at that worship gathering. By the way if you are curious about this Mysterium thing you can check it out at this website:

So we are finding it amazing how many folks are taking this journey with us vicariously. The fact that you are reading this post right now means you might be one of them! We hope you find our Blog, and eventually our actual trip, interesting and informative, humorous and helpful, enjoyable and enlightening. We're glad to have you along!


  1. Very cool. Now I have one more blog to contribute to my procrastinating! I read from the beginning and was thinking of Beth and shoes as she mentioned packing- hey, there's always shipping in a box!! Can't wait to hear more. Where are you going in France??

  2. I look forward to following your adventure! Keep us well posted.
